Wednesday, 9 December 2009

cans for comments - progress report

We are up to 28 cans! That's 28 tasty goodies for the good people over at the Shepherds of Good Hope. Now, what do you think? Shouldn't it be more? When I wake up Friday morning, I am going to be counting my comments. That's only 2 more days to comment for a needy cause!

So, today, I want to hear about what you are giving for Christmas. We all know we'll get some pressies in the end, but what are you giving?

I'll start :) We've bought an automblox, a Sophie and a Wooden rattle for Toy Mountain this year. Oddly, I haven't bought anything for people we know. I think I might do some baking! Mmm... gingerbread!

P.S. Now get commenting!


  1. You know, I dared people to comment and I ended up with 322. So careful.

    What am I giving?

    Well rather than giving gifts DH and I are spending the day at a spa as our gift to each other.

    A lot of people are getting books from us as we have to mail most of our gifts this year and they're easy to mail.

  2. As my wish for the day, I wish you to give 2 cans, one for me and one from you. Come by the house to pick one up from me.
